Celebrating Diversity: Empowering Black and Brown Communities in Yoga Spaces

Yoga, with its roots tracing back to ancient India, has long been celebrated as a path to physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Yet, despite its universal appeal, the yoga community has historically lacked diversity, particularly in spaces and teachers representing black and brown communities. In the UK, USA, and Spain, where these communities are significant, the lack of representation is stark, but there's a growing commitment to change that narrative.

In the UK, black and brown people make up around 15% of the population, with 9.3% of these identifying as Asian British. However, within the yoga community, this diversity is not always reflected, especially considering yoga’s roots are from India.

Similarly, in the USA, where the yoga industry is thriving, black and brown communities have historically been underrepresented in yoga studios and wellness spaces. According to a report by Yoga Alliance and the Yoga Service Council, while yoga participation among black and Latinx individuals has been steadily increasing, there is still a significant disparity in access to yoga classes and resources.

In Spain, a country known for its rich cultural tapestry, the yoga community is also grappling with issues of diversity and inclusion. While yoga has gained popularity across the country, particularly in cities like Barcelona and Madrid, there remains a lack of representation of black and brown yoga teachers and practitioners in mainstream yoga spaces.

At our wellness space, REESET, we are committed to changing this narrative and creating a community where black and brown individuals are not only welcome but celebrated. We recognise the importance of representation and the need for diverse voices and perspectives in the yoga world. But how do we find black and brown yoga teachers to lead our classes and inspire our community?

Our approach is to actively seek out and support black and brown yoga teachers who may be underrepresented in mainstream yoga spaces. This involves reaching out to local communities, attending events and workshops focused on diversity and inclusion, and leveraging social media platforms to connect with potential teachers.

Additionally, we collaborate with organisations and initiatives that are dedicated to promoting diversity in the yoga community. By partnering with grassroots organisations, non-profits, and advocacy groups, we can amplify the voices of black and brown yoga teachers and create opportunities for them to share their knowledge and expertise.

In the future, we hope to create mentorship programmes and scholarships to support aspiring black and brown yoga teachers on their journey. By providing access to training and resources, we can empower individuals from underrepresented communities to pursue careers in yoga and become leaders in their own right.

Ultimately, our goal is to create a yoga community that reflects the beautiful diversity of the world we live in. By actively seeking out and supporting black and brown yoga teachers, we can create a more inclusive and equitable space where everyone feels seen, heard, and valued. Together, we can celebrate diversity and build a brighter future for yoga—one that truly embraces all.


Opening Doors: Equal Opportunities in the Yoga Industry


Stepping into a World of Equality and Equity: A Journey Through an Inclusive Yoga Class